The project

La Fundació Emys

An associative movement focused on the conservation of biodiversity was born in Riudarenes in 1987, later called the Emys Foundation. Fundación Emys is dedicated to conserving nature through collaboration with local actors, promoting the conservation of biodiversity with farmers committed to nature.

Can Moragues property

This is how in 2011 the Riudarenes City Council transferred the Can Moragues estate to custody. At the Emys Foundation, we set up our headquarters there with the aim of showing the public our activity and examples of sustainable development. The farm carries out various green economy projects, including the demonstration garden and the Can Moragues Pantry, as well as other activities.

Collaboration with amb Fundació Astres

But these projects do not only make sense from the point of view of environmental responsibility, and with the vocation of being responsible also at the social level a collaboration is woven with Fundación Astres, which becomes part of this project promoting that people of the territory of vulnerable groups may have a job outlet adapted to their needs.

Can Moragues jams and preserves

In the first step of this collaboration, the Can Moragues Workshop was born and focuses on the production of organic jams and preserves made by people from vulnerable groups in our territory, from fruits and vegetables grown by our producers in custody, to whom we give regular advice not only to produce organic, but in agriculture of high natural value

Can Moragues vegetable garden

The Can Moragues vegetable garden is an area of ​​3,000 square meters and aims to be a productive and demonstrative space of local varieties and agriculture of High Natural Value, one that also improves biodiversity. Apart from the demonstration aspect, the orchard also has an experimental function and facilitates traditional varieties for local producers, in addition to supplying the Pantry.

A new door to agriculture

The Pantry is the second step in this direction, where we want to work holistically on the conservation of cultivated biodiversity. The Rebost aims to revitalize the product of our producers in custody, in a space where organic consumption is also encouraged, but especially local and seasonal. Thus, we complete the circle by taking the products of the producers in custody to the shelves of the Pantry and as ingredients to our dishes in the restaurant space.

See the producers